Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Alternative Therapies for Migraine: October 09 Migraine & Headache Blog Carnival

The Headache & Migraine Disease Blog Carnival has been created to provide both headache patients and people who blog about headaches with opportunities to share ideas on topics of particular interest and importance to us.

The theme of the October carnival is Alternative therapies - your experiences (good or bad), thoughts about trying them or any other take on the subject.

This month's carnival has a lot of wonderful information about alternative, aka complementary, therapies for Migraines and headaches. It's well worth your time to go take a look!


S Bose said...

Thanks for the great information available on your blog. I just started blogging on my own migraines mostly for the benefit of those in my life. Just wanted to say thanks for the info you post on your blog - I find it quite helpful.

Max Brown said...

Brilliant. I know from own experience that there is no cure for migraines but triggers can be identified and alternative therapies tried. Great site by the way.